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Everything you need to know about cooking with cannabis!

These 9 tips and tricks will help you make successful cannabis recipes at home, every single time.


  • You can make any recipe cannabis infused by substituting one of the ingredients with a cannabis infusion. Butter, coconut oil, and olive oil are easy choices, but you can also use infused milk, sugar, or honey!
  • The potency is different every time you make a new infusion (even if you use the same ratio of ingredients!), so I always try a ¼ teaspoon to see how it affects me and adjust my recipes from there.
  • I always make my recipes on the milder side because you can always eat more! And who only wants to eat a bite of a cookie anyway? I'd rather have 2!
  • I like to store my cannabis butter or oil in the freezer, so I use an ice cube tray to pre-measure ½ tablespoon portions. Then I can easily thaw out exactly what I need.
  • Always bring your cannabis butter to room temperature so it will mix evenly with the rest of your ingredients. I usually melt it when my recipe allows.
  • Make sure to mix extreeeeemely well to make sure that all of your servings are the same dosage.
  • Melt your coconut oil! This goes for both regular and cannabis infused. Since coconut oil stays solid at room temperature, it won't mix into your recipe well. I like to melt both of my coconut oils together and mix them before adding them to my batter.
  • Use decarboxylated cannabis to get the most out of your infusions.
  • Trim is perfect for cooking with. No need to spend extra money on high quality flower!
